Budokai-do is a martial art originated from Nepal and was introduced in Belgium in 1989 by Maha Guru. Budokai-do is a dynamic full contact style and because of it’s all-round system a very realistic self defense sport. Budokai-do became very popular in a short time because of its efficiency and the new and modern approach of teaching with punches, kicking, throwing techniques, ground work, locks, weapon training and competitions on K.O. First the Belgian Budokai-do Association was established in 1990. After more European countries joined, the Association changed into the European Budokai-do Federation (E.B.F.) which is now the umbrella organisation for all European Countries. The International Budokai-do federation is located in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Free consultation for coaching, nutrition & advanced nutrition.
We provide excellent services in a friendly manner
Martial Arts is widely chosen to be one of the best means of maintaining physical and mental fitness
All belt test training course program are available under Budo Kai Do
World Union of Karate do Federation
World Karate Confederation
International Budo Kai do Federation
Recognized By: School Games Federation of India
Call us at +91 8000510001 or mail at budokaido83@gmail.com